Church Council : Committee and Ministry Team Descriptions, Members, and Official Documents


Next Council Meeting:

Wednesday, March 25 at 7 pm, in the Lower Hall Boardroom.

Congregational Meeting:

the Meeting was held March 5, 2023. quorum was reached and the 2023 Budget approved as presented

2023 Annual Congregation Meeting Documents:

2023 ACM Presentation February 5, 2023

2023 Budget Report February 5, 2023

currently accepting nominations for a FELLOWSHIP AND CARING MINISTRY TEAM CHAIR, and an occasional FELLOWSHIP ACTIVITY ORGANIZER!

( Although most Council Members are voted in at the Annual Congregational Meeting, the Council has the ability to fill the vacancy until the congregation elects a replacement, whenever a vacancy exists on Council for any reason. )


Lakeview United Church uses the council structure as it’s governing body. The Church Council functions in accordance with THE UCC MANUAL 2021 Section B.7.

The Council oversees all church operations, planning initiatives and encourages new directions for ministry.

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THE UCC MANUAL 2021 Section B.7.7.1 mandates that the governing body must meet at least once quarterly. The current LUC Council has agreed to meet six times a year, on the third Wednesday of January, February, April, June, September, and November at 7:00 pm. Council may change this from time to time as long as they meet the minimum requirement of meeting at least once during every quarter.


Normally, the term of each Council member shall be 2 years, beginning on the date of the Annual Meeting in which they were elected. A member may serve 2 consecutive terms (4 years) in any one Council role, after which the member is encouraged to take at least 2 years out of that role.  Council may exercise discretion to adjust terms to ensure both continuity and change, with a unanimous vote. When a member has completed their term, they will participate in but not vote at the next two Council meetings to help the member replacing them with the transition.


When a vacancy exists on Council for any reason, the Council may fill the vacancy until the congregation elects a replacement.

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Organization and Governance of Lakeview United Church

Council Chair

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Position Description: Must be a member of the Lakeview United Church congregation. Is elected at an Annual Meeting and holds office for two years. (May serve a second 2-year term)

Duties: Presides and keeps order at Council meetings. Votes only if there is a tie. Co-signs approved Council meeting minutes. Represents the Council and congregation publicly, for example at baptisms and acceptance of members. Fulfills all other responsibilities as set out in THE MANUAL 2021 section B.7.6.1.

Position held by: Vacant



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Position Description: Is elected at an Annual Meeting and holds office for two years. (May serve a second 2-year term) Is a voting member of Council.

Duties: Is responsible for: taking minutes at all meetings of the congregation or pastoral charge and distributing said meeting minutes as required; taking minutes at all meetings of the Church Council and distributing said meeting minutes as required; receiving and sending correspondence on behalf of the Church Council; ensuring the minutes, the membership roll, registers, records, and all other documents of the Church Council are up to date, and kept safe; ensuring the signed minutes are posted on the church website, as per United Church of Canada mandate; and sending the minutes, membership roll, and other records to the Regional Council annually for review, if required by the Regional Council. Fulfills all other responsibilities as set out in THE MANUAL, 2021 section B.7.6.2.

Position held by: Betty Gourlay



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Position Description Must be a member of the Lakeview United Church congregation.

Duties: Monthly Co-sign cheques twice/month – confirm coding input by bookkeeper Prepare Treasurer Report and monthly Financial Reports for Council Meeting (6x/yr) Answer queries from bookkeeper (Office Admin) and Payroll Administrator, as required   Annually Set fundraising goals for Pledgefest – present financial overview as part of Pledgefest Prepare the next year budget Prepare Annual Financial Report Sign tax receipts for contributions Present Annual Financial Report & Budget at Annual Financial Meeting

Position held by: Wendy Knudson



The spiritual leader of our community of faith. Is a voting member of Council. Attends Council meetings and provides a report. Ex-officio member of all Ministry Teams. Serves as a link to the wider church, advising the Council and ensuring that any actions taken by Lakeview United Church are in keeping with UCC requirements.

Position held by: Rev. Jope Langejans


 Operations Liaison

Position Description Is elected at an Annual Meeting and holds office for two years. (May serve a second 2-year term) Is a voting member of Council. Provides oversight of the day to day operations of the church and serve as a liaison between administration, communication, technology and Council.

Duties Attend Council meetings and provide input from administration, communication, technology, and property. Provide regular reports of activities to Council. Monitor, facilitate and coordinate some of the day-to-day operations of the church. Serve as a liaison between ministry personnel, administration, communication, technology, and Council. Serve as a link between Ministry Teams where responsibilities overlap. Oversee the management of pew bibles, hymn books and similar items. Monitor and facilitate Health and Safety Practices on behalf of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team. Assist and confer with Ministry Teams when asked re: projects and volunteers. Keep informed of communication and technology needs. Facilitate the procurement of current police background checks. Meet regularly with ministry personnel to update each other on activities.

Administration management: Liaise with the office administrator to ensure we meet the needs of the congregation within the approved budget. Oversee the management of office infrastructure. Monitor and facilitate replacement or repairs of phones, computer equipment and supplies on behalf of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team. Oversee management of records and archives.

Position held by: Nancy Gillean


Representative to Regional Council

Position Description Is elected at an Annual Meeting and holds office for two years. (May serve a second 2-year term) Is a voting member of Council.

Duties Provides a connectional link to Chinook Winds Region. Represents Lakeview United Church at Regional Council gatherings. Attends Council meetings and provides a report.

Position currently held by: Sylvia Carruthers


Communications Coordinator

Position Description The Communication Coordinator manages, produces and supports a wide variety of print, web, e -newsletters, signage, social and electronic media to promote Lakeview United Church religious services, programs and outreach activities, while ensuring all communications and material produced aligns with the church’s mission, values, and maintains consistent quality, style and standards.

Duties To engage, coordinate and collaborate with the Minister, Church Council Chair, Ministry Teams, Committees, program organizers, and the Operations Liaison to communicate Lakeview United Church mission, values, programs and services to congregants and the wider community. To oversee and collaborate with volunteers and ensure that the team effectively communicates approved information via appropriate and various medium, in a timely way with current membership and adherents. To ensure the dissemination of general Lakeview United Church information, to promote specific programming and outreach activities. To increase Lakeview United Church visibility in the larger community, with the goal of ultimately attracting new congregants. Ensures that Council receives LUC outgoing media communication analytic reports.

Position held by: Office Admin

Website Administrator: Jennifer Aldous

Communications Guidelines

(Revised November 20, 2022)

Lakeview United Church produces and distributes a wide variety of print, web, e -newsletters, signage, social and electronic media to inform the congregation and the community about our religious services, programs and outreach activities. This guiding document is intended to help make the process more efficient.


Any information, other than verbal announcements from the pulpit,  that you wish to communicate to the congregation, or the community, is to be sent, in writing, to the church office. The office administrator will then seek approval, if necessary, and forward the information to the appropriate person(s) for publication.

Printed Announcements submitted to the office will automatically be included in the bulletin insert, the screen slideshow prior to worship service on Sunday, the LUC Facebook page and the LUC Website, unless you the author, specify otherwise. The office administrator will look after forwarding the information to the webmaster and Facebook coordinator.

Please submit your announcement request to the office at prior to 10am Friday morning the week you want it printed, stating how long you wish it to run: 1 week , 2 weeks etc.

Verbal announcements made from the pulpit are to be limited to one minute or less. (Hint: Write your announcement out and time it, while practicing.)

The person presenting the announcement needs to check with the minister ahead of time., to see if it is appropriate for that week. There may be times when the minister has a certain theme for worship that needs to be considered.


  • All communications and material produced must align with the church’s mission and values.

  • The content of the message should remain consistent throughout all media, except when different target audiences may exist.

  • The author of the message is allowed flexibility for changes to the text, format and presentation of messages as may be required for different audiences, such as bulletin insert vs Facebook.

NOTE: When different versions of an announcement are required for different platforms, as in the case of different audiences, all versions will need to be approved.


Usually the minister.


Ministry & Personnel Committee: 

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Position Description: To advise and support Council, all Ministry Teams, and the congregation to ensure good employment practices by the congregation with it’s ministry personnel and lay staff, following the Ministry & Personnel Handbook of the United Church of Canada.

Members of the Ministry & Personnel Committee: A Chairperson, and at least two other members with relevant expertise. ( Neither ministry personnel, nor lay staff shall be members of the Ministry & Personnel Committee.)

Duties: To advise and consult staff, all Ministry Teams and Council in establishing position descriptions, and monitor compliance with terms of employment for each employee by the church; to establish and monitor routine procedures for monitoring staff time; to monitor arrangements made by a Ministry Team, and Council for relief staffing, paid or volunteer, when staff take time off; to advise all Ministry Teams and staff as they establish goals and objectives, and to encourage regular reporting to the Ministry & Personnel Committee by staff of progress and challenges. Annually in May and June of each year: to coordinate a performance review for each staff person, soliciting feedback from colleagues and volunteers with whom they work. Annually in December and January: to participate in budgeting for the coming fiscal and calendar year, regarding salaries and benefits for paid staff, and budget for relief staff ; to inform Council and all Ministry Teams before any decisions to open, change, or terminate employment; to maintain required good employment practices, including regular updating of position descriptions; to maintain confidential and secure personnel records for all employees, accessible in their entirety only to Ministry & Personnel Committee members, any necessary portions of the employee records accessible to the ADP Payroll Facilitator only as required to accurately prepare payroll and, upon request, to the employee; to liaise with staff and all Ministry Team representatives to advise and consult in developing and monitoring goals and objectives for staff.

Current Members of the Ministry & Personnel Committee:

Chair Vacant Member at Large Hank Klassen Member at Large Position filled, and to be ratified January 18, 2023


Ministry Teams


Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team: 

Position Description: To support the spiritual growth of the congregation through worship, music, and education for all ages. Included in the responsibilities of the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team shall be those of a Christian Education Committee, as defined by the Manual of the United Church of Canada. The Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team will provide supervision and accountability for music staff.

Members of the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team: A Chairperson, plus one to three coordinators for specific task groups ( the Minister is a corresponding member of the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team ).

Duties : To create a vision and a plan to accomplish the purpose of the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team, seek Council approval for the plan, and implement the plan by allocating specific tasks to individuals or task groups; manage the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team’s approved budget and propose a budget for the next church year; to provide support for the task groups; to coordinate the volunteer and paid staff of this area of ministry.

Specific Tasks: Faith Development: To provide opportunities for adults to grow in their faith (such as Bible study, Lenten study); to provide opportunities for children and youth to grow in their faith (such as Confirmation, Sunday school, Sunday youth discussion group, Scouts); to provide resources for all ages to assist their faith journey (such as Library, REEL Theology), and to provide oversight of the nursery staff. Music and Worship: To collaborate with the ministerial staff, to identify and establish practices for the sacraments (such as Communion, Baptism, Weddings), to collaborate with the Minister and Music Director; to plan and coordinate worship services, offering a variety of musical styles and opportunities for members of the congregation to participate; to collaborate with the Minister and the Music Director to meet the worship needs of the congregation within the approved budget; to oversee provision of the support roles required for Sunday Worship Services (such as Sanctuary preparation, readings and prayers, ushering, sound system); to provide support for the librarian and music librarian; to maintain a list of pulpit supply personnel and arrange for pulpit supply during ministerial study leaves, holidays, illnesses, and absences.

Current Members of the Faith Formation & Worship Ministry Team: 

Chair Fiona Hayes Affirming Ministry VACATE Member at Large Barb Spence Greeter, Reader & Communion Coordinator Heather Mayers Communion Element Preparations Diane and Rob Stinson Librarian Paige Martin


Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team: 

Position Description: To care for the congregation through initiatives of pastoral care, support groups, family ministry, welcoming of newcomers. The Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team will promote fellowship among the congregation members and participants in the ministries, including communication with the congregation.

Members of the Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team: A Chairperson, and one to three coordinators for specific task groups ( the Minister is a corresponding member of the Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team).

Duties: To create a vision and a plan to accomplish the purpose of the Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team; to seek Council approval for the plan, and implement the plan by allocating specific tasks to individuals or task groups; to manage the Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team’s approved budget, and propose a budget for the next church year; to provide support for the task groups, and to co-ordinate the volunteer and paid staff of this area of ministry.

Specific tasks: Pastoral Care: To provide care and support for members of the LUC congregation and community (such as hospital and shut-in visitations, weddings, funeral and memorial service receptions, casseroles, transportation, prayer chain, card ministries, Nursing Home teas) Fellowship: To offer a warm welcome to Sunday Worship Services (such as greeters, visitor packages); to provide fellowship opportunities for Sunday Worship and special events (such as coffee time, Soup Sundays, dinners, potlucks, garage sale, car rally, karaoke ), to provide fellowship opportunities through groups (such as Friendship Circle); to welcome newcomers (for example, with welcome packages); to maintain the Membership Roll and ensure that the list of members and adherents is maintained.

Current Members of the Fellowship and Caring Ministry Team: 

Chair VACANT After Service ‘Coffee Time’ Coordinator: Beth Elliot ‘Appointment Transportation’ Coordinator Jean Scott Members at Large Jean Scott Fellowship Activities Lead VACANT


Finance & Facilities Ministry Team: 

Position Description: To support the administration of the financial and building operations of the congregation, to ensure that material resources entrusted to the church are directed to serve its religious and charitable purposes. Included in the responsibilities of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team are those of a Stewardship Committee as defined by the United Church of Canada Manual. The Treasurer shall be a corresponding member of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team, and this Ministry Team shall provide supervision and accountability for administrative and building staff.

Members of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team: A Chairperson, and one to three coordinators for specific task groups ( the Minister is a member of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team ).

Duties: To create a vision and a plan to accomplish the purpose of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team, seek Council approval for the plan, and implement the plan by allocating specific tasks to individuals or task groups; to manage the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team’s approved budget, and propose a budget for the next church year; to provide support for the task groups and co-ordinate the volunteer and paid staff of this area of ministry.

Specific tasks: Financial management: Solicit, receive and allocate funds in the best interests of the congregation and consistent with the LUC Mission Statement; promote congregational awareness of LUC financial needs; encourage people to give time, talents, and money to LUC and the United Church of Canada Mission & Service Fund; forecast revenues and expenditures; create an annual budget which reflects LUC priorities and available resources, and seek congregational approval for the annual budget; create procedures to receive, record, safeguard and report all revenue received by LUC; create procedures to disburse funds as authorized by Council and to record and report all disbursements; comply with the procedures outlined in the Financial Manual of the United Church of Canada; monitor routinely to ensure that all procedures are followed; and liaise with LUC Trustees. Facilities management: Ensure that the LUC building, property and equipment are in clean, safe, accessible and hospitable condition; co-ordinate professional and volunteer property care; create LUC property maintenance and renovation plans and implement the plans approved by Council; manage the allocated property budget; create and monitor policies and procedures for the LUC space use; and create and monitor health and safety practices. ` Administration management: Ensure that the office management serves LUC needs; collaborate with the Office Administrator to meet the office administration needs of the congregation within the approved budget; oversee the management of office infrastructure (plan, monitor, repair, replace the phones, computer equipment, supplies); oversee management of meeting records and archives.

Current Members of the Finance & Facilities Ministry Team: 

Chair Raj Retnanandan Facility Bookings Office Administrator Facilities Management Roger Scroggins / Don Linton Counting Coordinator Sue Spratt ADP Payroll Administrator Elizabeth Wegg

2023 Pledgefest Committee Beckie Scroggins, Nancy Gillean


Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team: 

Position Description: Responsible for community service, mission outreach through financial and volunteer participation in work  beyond the  congregation. The Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team shall promote the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada, local initiatives, and be responsible for communication from and to the wider community to promote partnerships and networks of complementary missions. 

Members of the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team: A Chairperson, and one to three coordinators for specific task groups. ( the Minister is a corresponding member of the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team. )

Duties: To create a vision and a plan to accomplish the purpose of the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team, seek Council approval for the plan, and implement the plan by allocating specific tasks to individuals or task groups; manage the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team’s approved budget and propose a budget for the next church year; provide support for the task groups; and co-ordinate the volunteer and paid staff of this area of ministry.

Specific tasks: To educate the congregation about the work of the Mission & Service Fund; to educate the congregation about local & global needs (such as Minutes for Mission, bulletin board displays, Speakers); to educate the congregation about local & global needs (such as Minutes for Mission, bulletin board displays, Speakers); to organize opportunities for the congregation to do "hands on" outreach (such as volunteering at the food bank, sandwich making ); to make the congregation aware of local church needs (such as Campus Ministry, Camp Kasota, ministry students); to develop appropriate strategies to raise funds and promote programs that will address social concerns (such as Neighbourlink baby shower, Acadia Place, garage sale); to provide the congregation with regular feedback and information (keep people aware of what their gifts are accomplishing); to set guidelines as to the number and type of appeals entertained at any given time; to allocate congregational donations following guidelines established by Council and the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team; to consult with the Treasurer about funds available for allocation; to communicate LUC ministries to the wider community in collaboration with the Communications Coordinator and following LUC communications procedures for posting to the website, social media, print media, and signage.

Current Members of the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team:  Chair             Interim - Janet Layton Local Initiatives          VACANT Ministry & Service      Raj Retnanandan Members at Large Cecilia Pavao, Craig Cheffins, Jocelyn Barton, Janet Layton Social Media Coordinator Kelly Wilderman Marquee Sign Coordinator(s) Paige Martin

It has been established that The Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry at Lakeview United Church will support organizations which: 1. Provide a basic need in our city or community such as food, shelter and/or safety 2. Will be empowered by the funds and the funds will “make a difference” or “help give a start” 3. Do not receive significant mainstream funding. 4. Which provide regular feedback and information. 5. Are in agreement with our Christian ethics.

Using the criteria outlined, the Reaching Out and Community Connections Ministry Team has chosen to lend financial, and other, support to the following agencies in 2023 - 2024: Housing – the Calgary Homeless Foundation, Women’s Emergency Shelter, Drop In Centre, and Habitat for Humanity Education – the Mustard Seed’s retraining program Food – Inn From the Cold, Calgary Interfaith Food Bank, Brown Bagging for Kids, Ministry –  Foster Parents Plan, Camp Kasota, Camp FYrefly, U of C Campus Ministry World Emergencies and Disasters –Stephen Lewis Foundation, and others Miscellaneous local initiatives – Glamorgan Nursing Home, Children’s Cottage, Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund, Bishop Pinkham Junior High School-Christmas Hampers



2020-2021 AFM Minutes

2020-2021 AGM minutes

2021 Annual Report Click Here

2020-2021 AGM Report Click here

2019-2020 AGM Report Click Here

2018-2019 AGM Report CLICK HERE

2017-2018 AGM Report click here

2016-2017 AGM Report click here

2015-2016 AGM Report click here